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Is Humanity Perfectible?
The Europans are certain. 
We can only hope.

Under their guidance.
Not their control.

The Energetically perfected Europans have guided us toward perfection for millions of years, designating human messengers to advance the process. The sum of our history suggests human perfection remains a distant possibility. But recent history may suggest otherwise.

Pana Mondis, a completed novel introducing a fully written miniseries, chronicles a tumultuous 165-year phase in earth's history.

It begins with a reimagined West Side Story and the birth of Mirona, daughter of Teresa and Raul,

...passes through a night of nuclear bombardment and the 10 years of the Great Wars,

...and ends with an impassioned 2093 address by Grete Pedersen, second daughter of Mirona and earth’s first Global Magister, as the Second Europan Epiphany changes everything ––again.

For millions of years, earth has been under the Energetic guidance of a perfected species occupying the internal ocean of Jupiter’s moon, Europa.

At key moments in our history, the Europans have Energetically lowered our emotional guardrails, a necessary predicate to evolution.

But emotionally unfettered evolution comes with great risk, as well as great rewards. Earth will experience both during the Pana Mondis saga.

Young Grete is Energetically drawn to a Mumbai ashram where she begins communicating news of the recently discovered Europans to an increasingly unstable planet.

But her message of peace is taken as a personal threat by an American general who has led a coup against the United States.

Grete is hunted throughout the subsequent Great Wars, but ultimately emerges as earth’s first Global Magister and architect of the Great Reconstruction.

While the First Europan Epiphany ultimately leads to the Great Reconstruction, it’s near-term impact is a painful one, filled with catastrophic wars fueled by stoked grievances and fantasies of world dominance.

Even as the earth begins to rebound, its well intentioned leaders inadvertently sow the seeds of a potentially greater catastrophe.

Recognizing this, our Europan sponsors once again lower our emotional guardrails and, with the Second Epiphany in 2093, encourage us to take our next small step toward species perfection.

The Pana Mondis saga (the novel) is told through the writings of Raul, Mirona, her daughters Grete and Blake, the transcripts of Lydia’s videos, and Tina.

Raul bequeathes to Mirona 20,296 Energetically inspired, undelivered daily letters, all written during his lifetime incarceration.

Mirona is encouraged by Tina Gifford, her Doctor of Energy Medicine, to respond to those that touch her most deeply. Her writings and those of the others will lend great comfort to survivors of the Great Wars.

Story Synopsis

The Pana Mondis saga tracks a 165-year phase of earth’s evolution. The first part of the saga (1928 to 2024) tracks the individual and group evolutions of six richly crafted Latina and Mixed-race women, all linked by their connection to Raul Guzman, a convicted murderer serving a lifetime prison sentence.

Raul’s 20,296 undelivered daily letters, all bequeathed to Mirona, the daughter he will meet only once, will inspire her novel, ‘The Prison Dialogue’. That novel will offer solace to billions of survivors of the U.S. military coup-facilitated nuclear bombardments of 2024, and the subsequent Great Wars of 2026-2036.

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