The Story Continues...
Raul’s writings will also provide the basis for the Energy Medicine model that will be implemented immediately after the Great Wars, providing an integrated methodology for accommodating the spiritual, psychological and physiological needs of all humans.
After the signing of the Unilistic Covenant in 2037 and the Global Accords in 2038, Earth, now operating under a single, unified government and hopeful as never before, evolves at breathtaking speed. By 2048, nuclear fusion provides virtually unlimited power for numerous advancements in every area of communications, transportation, scientific exploration, education and human convenience. The kranix, implanted in the left temple of every human over the age of nine, allows instantaneous, internalized audio-visual access to every scintilla of information housed in the Global Archives files. Doctors of Energy Medicine (DEMs) are integrated into every area of human life and serve as a reinforcement mechanism for the sustained hope at the heart of Earth’s Great Reconstruction.
The kranix also facilitates access to universal consciousness––‘uni-con’––a transmittable version of the core frequency of every human Soul. Amplifying and transmitting this frequency to another human creates a sensation of calmness and community in the recipient. With unlimited energy at their disposal, Earth’s scientists quickly find a way to distribute uni-con among the entire planetary population, greatly facilitating the early work of the DEMs as they seek to lift earth’s population out of the chronic depression and drug addiction still afflicting so many in the wake of the Great Wars.
But in very little time, uni-con––self-administered at ever higher frequencies––becomes the legally sanctioned, freely accessible, alternate drug of choice for the entire planet. In the innocent belief that they are sustaining a conflict-free utopia, Earth’s leaders inadvertently create a uni-con dependent society that, by 2093, has all but forgotten how to hope.